Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Play Pokemon Red On Mac


Rule number one: a journey not a trip without two parcels marshmallows
Rule number two: a journey not a trip if you do not with a tune like you buy a bag of marshmallows. Since it is out of tune as you also buy the same candy your
In reality is simple ...

We made the big laughs in the Mini Nicoletta , guess what slurred speech, a little bit because my traveling companion decided to undress in the car (running) on \u200b\u200bthe highway, between the face perplexed by Mirko and "quiet, it's always like" Elvira, his sister, and a little bit because the road recommended by the browser after the highway had a diameter of one bad apple, then a line of fat, and we had to follow it for like 30 minutes. At least, we enjoyed a great landscape near Carpi.
Carpi If you say, you say knitting, or not? (Here comes again, in great demand of my little game if ...)
Nico-Lucy In fact, the crew was there to direct E-VA, which is not a nice friend, but a charity event at Palazzo Foresti. Apart from those 30 seconds of apnea due to overwhelming beauty of Palazzo Foresti, and 30 others caused by the discovery that my already low sfigatissima camera (Canon, a day you'll be mine) I'd say 1 to 10 everything was interesting 10 .
primarily because the event was beneficial, or purchased the items that were there, and they were all different brand of knitwear in Carpi, the proceeds would go to Ramazzini Hospital, for the purchase of furniture and the repa atrezzatture radilogia rto-oncology.
Then Blogger because I met two ladies: one is Nathalie , with their bags that have threatened to cause mini "injury" to a mobile from a million trillion euros due to touch on the skin wood, and the other Goddess, when I saw the dirty white on black stocking taccazzo I realized it was top!
The Spice Girl Carpi, that we had to choose the clothes there present and then wear them, only to be depicted (photographically speaking, of course) in the study of very simple Mr. Palazzo Foresti.
At least here, no one has threatened to damage some furniture.
At the end of the day, I thought of the things that happened in the car: a motorway service that Nicole was going to bring down a pyramid of chocolate Hello Kitty, a goddess and changes in our bathroom, the sweet and Nathalie rivollto first question to me "If you see a first, prendimela please" and the beautiful boys of E-VA.
Sin that I have not been able to return to carve out a space for sweets. The fact is that when I start to speak, each stimulus or should I cancel it permanently.
Well, I'll start talking a lot the next time I'll want to shop! Maybe it works!


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