Instructor Course ASI ASI Canoe kayak overlocking Sector organized the first National Training Course for Instructors of surf kayaking. The course will be held in Donoratico (LI) during a weekend between 24 April and 8 May to the weather (requires the presence of air.) ASI ASI provides instructors with the certificate-Cone with teaching qualification , personal insurance, opening the possibility of amateur sports associations affiliated ASI. Peatch instructor qualification. Opportunity to purchase basic equipment ASI official at special price. Each course will be held in two days (9 hours) and completed with a final examination to support a month after the course. If the aspirant instructor does not pass the test has the potential to play a second examination without additional costs that will support all of the course for aspiring course fee is € 260.00. Each applicant will receive an exemption set out in support of the theoretical corso.FinalitàLa goals developed during the investigation of surf kayaking is to drive correctly the approach to improving kayak surfing in the students the basic techniques of kayaking and the conduct of environmental knowledge essential for addressing situations of sea mosso.L 'kayak surf instructor, as well as technical purposes, has the express purpose of encouraging the practice group in developing in students a rigorous sense of responsibility e sensibilità al fattore sicurezza.Contenuti L’orientamento del corso prevede lo sviluppo di metodologie didattiche utili per l’insegnamento del kayak surf, con particolare riferimento agli elementi sotto elencati:· Forma dell’onda e delle parti che la compongono.· Influenza dei fondali sulle onde (reef break, beach break, point break, shore break).· Direzione dei venti che battono sulle coste e l’azione che essi esercitano sul moto ondoso. · Uso delle attrezzature di sicurezza (caschetto, salvagente ecc.), spiegazione delle loro caratteristiche e modo di utilizzo.· Valutazione del rischio: rapporto tra condizioni del mare e capacità personali.· Condizione di nuoto in sicurezza in caso di uscita by canoe in the open sea. · Terms of previously used in the surf. · main methods to overcome the break point of the spot (paddle out). ° Choice of line up. · Take off, cut out. · Bottom turn, down the line. · Top turn, off the lip. · Cut back, round house. · Floater.argomenti aggiuntiviLinee Water: Notes on shape and size of the canoe to surf. scoopline (scoop, rocker), characteristics of the edges (rails). Fins: shape, flexibility / hardness and Positioning. * Information and tips on how to fix canoes fiber: types of resins, fabrics, reconstructive techniques, aesthetic finishes .* Additional topics not included in the educational material provided to participants. Their discussion will take place during the course.
For info and reservations: Paolo Bartoloni Trainer ASI sector delegate Canoe Canoe Centre Italy ASI sector.
Massimiliano Bonilla Cana National Industry Manager ASI