Friday, January 25, 2008

Memorial Verses For Work Colleague

Night Sweats Tanning Salon

The plot

Here is the story of Nightwish, waiting for this damn first chapter ...

Nightwish tells the story of a mutant created in a laboratory where it was scoperta una nuova sostanza capace di aumentare le prestazioni fisiche e i sensi, ma con la pecca di rendere instabile la mente e di impedire al sangue di coagularsi. Con sforzi estremi vengono creati tre mutanti. Tarja è la terza mutante, la quale non ha più ne memoria, ne personalità, il suo unico scopo è quello di contrastare la criminalità. Ma mentre tarja è impegnata a combattere il crimine, qualcuno si interessa a lei, e vuole scoprire il suo segreto.

Ringrazio Noemi di Perna ( ) per la stesura della trama.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Inexpensive Wedding Seating

Lesson 1, the human proportions

Ecco qua allora la prima lezione di disegnoin cui illustro il primo passo per draw a body, following the correct proportions.

Even if what interests us is the manga studies of human proportions general there are ancient, and study helps us to get started.

The perfectly proportioned human body usually covered by the volume of the head about eight times in the body, three in the trunk and four legs, playing on this scale we can afford to create different body proportions, already creating a character in which the head falls only seven times in the body it will appear much lower.
course it is always better to avoid exaggeration,
to avoid mistakes like this, where the head falls about six times in the body, making us look like a doll Lust.
The image was taken by No. 10 Full metal alchemist.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Gay Cruising At Macy's


course, since I've created this blog just to brag that they are good at drawing, you can ask for advice on how to draw or anything like that, or you can give me advice I do not offend XD mica, later put the pages with tips and links to sites that I visited to learn to draw better.
Hello hello.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hentay At

few appetizer

Here are some drawings and some of the manga as appetizer spezzettone

Sunflower Seeds Turn Blue

What Nightwish ?

Nightwish is a Ghotic / metal band Symfhonyc Finnish, plus the title I chose for my personal manga, which began in December 2007 and which I have almost finished the first chapter, so sooner or later you will see the first images, I look forward to the first comments. Hello, hello!