Thursday, May 31, 2007

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Inside the Observatory site you can download some MediaMonitor materials relating to the training sessions of the Political Game II project.
Click here to download the slides of the lecture Thursday, May 24, 2007 by Prof. Franca Faccioli.
It also communicates to participants that are available digitally and on demand to deliver the e-mail , unprocessed recordings of training sessions of the Political Game II.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Model Boats Labeld Parts

During the next week, will take place earlier discussions between the participants to the various agencies of the Political Game.

Agency A: Tuesday, May 29 at 12.00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113

Agency B: Wednesday, May 30 at 17:00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113

Agency C: Thursday, May 31 at 12:30 pm auletta Congress Centre, Via Salaria 113

Agency Q: Thursday, May 31 at 11 am at the Congress Centre Auletta, Via Salaria 113

Pic Of Boat With Labeled Parts


Here is the schedule of training sessions
with its date, time, teacher and subject of the meeting.
------------------------------------------ ------
Wed May 30
h. 12-14
Avila Eduardo Antonio Romano Salierno
Brand Identity

Wed June 6 h. 12-13.30
Cinema Avila
Angelo Baiocchi
Marketing for Public Communication, a marketing leverage public (hopefully)

Wed June 6 h. Andrew Wolf Chamber
Languages \u200b\u200band advertising techniques

Fri June 8
h. 14-16
Wolf House
Romana went
Institutional Communications
The communication plan: creation and development

Sat June 9
Charles Wolf Intini Francesco
Media and local

Mon June 11
h. Wolf House 10-13

Maria Cristina Selloni
Graphics for social advertising
The communication plan into practice

Thurs June 14
h. 12-14

Robert Wolf House Malfatto
Event Planning
------------------------- --------------------------
place and time of meetings can essere soggetti a variazioni; si consiglia di visitare frequentamente questa pagina in vista di possibili aggiornamenti. Per il calendario completo visita il sito

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What To Write To Congratulate New Born Baby



Il Political Game è un progetto professionalizzante di didattica e ricerca che, partendo dall’esperienza maturata nel 2005 dall’
Osservatorio Mediamonitor Politics in the field of simulation of the political process is intended to put students Faculty of Communication Sciences the middle of a training process which will provide competencies to be used in the field of corporate communication and politics. The second edition

Political Game of the project is in the planning of corporate communication of the Municipality of Rome II and III a chance to face the reality of teaching through the expedient of simulation and through a training and intercattedra interdisciplinary.

About 80 students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences will be involved, since the second half of the academic year 2006-2007, in the simulation of specific roles and professions in one of four advertising agencies that will produce a communication plan institutional one of the two municipalities involved in the project. Each municipality will have a reference point two of these four agencies: each of them will produce the architecture of the communication regarding the identity of the town hall, a plan supported by examples of applications of communication on specific themes / initiatives that emerge from interviews with municipalities and the listening phase of the territory.

Online Bulk Deli Meat

blog This is the tool that will allow interactive communication between the political gamers, the supervisor, the master and the municipalities. Managed by the master and the supervisor, the blog will contain articles that range from news about the logistics of the project to upgrade communications from summaries of meetings of agencies insights born of seminars, on topics related to communication plans in preparation parallel activities of the municipalities or the faculty. In addition to content will also products made directly by the agencies by sending the material (editorial, photographic, audiovisual and / or audible) to the supervisor who will select to insert it into the blog. All figures participating in the project also will have the opportunity to comment on articles.

Graphically, the blog will appear divided into 3 parts. Top blog title and a description of the simulation, the new logo to the left of "La Sapienza - Università di Roma", the contacts to communicate with the master and supervisor, the list of political gamers, and the archive of articles . The central space will be dedicated to the articles. A particularly striking grafica contraddistinguerà gli articoli in base al colore: gli articoli saranno dunque di diverso colore, se riguardanti le singole agenzie (Rosso = Agenzia A; Blu = Agenzia B; Verde = Agenzia C; Giallo = Agenzia D), scritti in colore nero, invece, se riguardanti comunicazioni che interessano la totalità dei political gamers.

Monday, May 14, 2007

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