Closing credits
At the Scientific Coordination
Mario Franca Faccioli
Roberto Gritti
Maria Concetta Pitrone
the Commitments
Joseph Gerace
Orlando Corsetti
Antonio Eduardo Romano
Angelo Andrea Baiocchi
Romana went
Carlo Francesco Intini
Maria Cristina Selloni
Roberto Malfatto
Angela Crete
Tenor Giuseppe Parisi Lorenza
Gabriele Sabatino
Flaminia Spadone
But above all, to all of you who have put the soul into a project that every year is a With new bet
Monday, December 17, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Real, Recycled Sailboat Shower Curtain
Political Game
Monday, December 17, 2007, at the Congress Center of Via Salaria 113, the four media agencies will present the results of their work to the jury of quality, which will announce the winner by assessing the communication plan, quality of presentation, products and initiatives proposed.
The teams will present at 10:30 am at the Conference Center, to load the material on the PC and assist in the draw for order of presentation: We recommend the maximum punctuality.
The jury, chaired by Prof. Morcellini will consists of teachers and experts who have prepared the stage seminars and four representatives of the municipalities.
To allow the jury to see the communication plan in its entirety is required to send the plan at , by midnight on December 13, 2007.
Monday, December 17, 2007, at the Congress Center of Via Salaria 113, the four media agencies will present the results of their work to the jury of quality, which will announce the winner by assessing the communication plan, quality of presentation, products and initiatives proposed.
The teams will present at 10:30 am at the Conference Center, to load the material on the PC and assist in the draw for order of presentation: We recommend the maximum punctuality.
The jury, chaired by Prof. Morcellini will consists of teachers and experts who have prepared the stage seminars and four representatives of the municipalities.
To allow the jury to see the communication plan in its entirety is required to send the plan at , by midnight on December 13, 2007.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
How Many 3 X 5 Pentomino Combinations Are There?
Meeting Materials cut-off date
Dear gamers,
has been set for November 14 at the Wolf hall meeting to discuss the work you've done so far and what you have planned, with the following schedule:
Agency A360 °: 15.00
Agency Com.unica: 15.45 pm
Agency Ideas Factory: 16.30
Agency PLP: 17.15
Friday, October 19, 2007
Where Is Black Model Wanakee?
Professor Selloni
Sul sito , nella sezione "Materiali", sono disponibili le slide relative alla lezione della prof.ssa Selloni di venerdì 19 ottobre.
Sul sito , nella sezione "Materiali", sono disponibili le slide relative alla lezione della prof.ssa Selloni di venerdì 19 ottobre.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lake Louise Ski Resort
New components Political Game
Il Master ha approvato l'inserimento nel gioco di due nuovi componenti:
Davide Vallero, che entra a far parte dell'agenzia C
Luigi Paolicelli, che entra a far parte dell'agenzia D.
Il Master ha approvato l'inserimento nel gioco di due nuovi componenti:
Davide Vallero, che entra a far parte dell'agenzia C
Luigi Paolicelli, che entra a far parte dell'agenzia D.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Bari Jay Fit True To Size
Lesson Professor Selloni
Si comunica che la lezione della prof.ssa Selloni sulla stesura del budget di un piano di comunicazione avrà luogo venerdì 19 ottobre, dalle 11.00 alle 13.00, in aula Wolf.
Si comunica che la lezione della prof.ssa Selloni sulla stesura del budget di un piano di comunicazione avrà luogo venerdì 19 ottobre, dalle 11.00 alle 13.00, in aula Wolf.
I Get Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar Am I Diabetic
First deadline operational
Come comunicato nel corso della riunione plenaria di riapertura dei lavori, the first deadline for participants in the operational Political Game is Thursday, November 15. By that time, should be sent by email to the supervisor of the agency reference the state of progress of work.
Come comunicato nel corso della riunione plenaria di riapertura dei lavori, the first deadline for participants in the operational Political Game is Thursday, November 15. By that time, should be sent by email to the supervisor of the agency reference the state of progress of work.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Seborheic Dermatitis And Hair Loss
Plenary meeting
Thursday, October 11, 12:00 pm Classroom B / 9 is called a plenary meeting of the participants in the second edition of the Political Game. In addition to a functional meeting to officially restart the game, it will be an opportunity to discuss:
- the final composition of communication agencies;
- logistics headquarters of the III Town Hall has given us as a Goito. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to be present.
Thursday, October 11, 12:00 pm Classroom B / 9 is called a plenary meeting of the participants in the second edition of the Political Game. In addition to a functional meeting to officially restart the game, it will be an opportunity to discuss:
- the final composition of communication agencies;
- logistics headquarters of the III Town Hall has given us as a Goito. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to be present.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Slr Lens Mounting Adapters
Interview with Joseph Gerace
Sulla home page del blog potete guardare un'intervista a Giuseppe Gerace, Presidente del Consiglio del II Municipio di Roma. L'intervento ha lo scopo di dare informazioni sulle esatte competenze di un Municipio. Spesso, difatti, le cittadine ed i cittadini non conoscono a fondo quali siano esattamente i compiti del proprio Municipio rispetto a quelli del Campidoglio. Si parla anche del lavoro che Gerace sta svolgendo per l'apertura di uno sportello stranieri ed uno sportello giovani.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Alfa Vision Insurance Arkansas
Presentation of the questionnaire listening to the territory
Tuesday, June 26, at 18.00 at the classroom B/10
presentation will be held with the terms and sites of the questionnaire prepared by the Master for listening to the territory of the Town Hall II and III. Please note that the administration of the questionnaires is mandatory activity within the game, and hence the presence at the meeting is strongly recommended. Any involvement in the data analysis will involve the leaders instead of listening to the territory and any volunteers, who must agree with the Master method and timing of these activities.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Dragon Ball Mmorpg Wiki
assignment to the two agencies' roles
Agency B
Agency C
Agenzia D
were formalized assignments of the four municipalities of reference for communication agencies.
Agency A
Agency A
supervisor Gabriela Sabatini
Hall III
Agency B
supervisor Lorenza Parisi
II Hall
Agency C
supervisor Angela Creta
II Municipio
Agenzia D
supervisor Flaminia Spadone
III Municipio
Maniac Games Loly Baby Entai
Sono state inserite sul sito mediamonitor alcune F.A.Q. per rispondere alle domande frequenti circa i ruoli interni alle agenzie del Political Game.
CLICCA QUI per sapere se è possibile che uno stesso partecipante ricopra più ruoli contemporaneamente all’interno dell’Agenzia, se i crediti che riceverete al termine del progetto saranno legati al numero di ruoli che avrete ricoperto all’interno dell’Agenzia, se esistono ruoli ricoprendo i quali potete avere diritto ad un numero maggiore o minore di crediti e se alla fase di ascolto del territorio deve partecipare solo il responsabile dei rapporti con il territorio o possono partecipare anche altri ruoli.
Sono state inserite sul sito mediamonitor alcune F.A.Q. per rispondere alle domande frequenti circa i ruoli interni alle agenzie del Political Game.
CLICCA QUI per sapere se è possibile che uno stesso partecipante ricopra più ruoli contemporaneamente all’interno dell’Agenzia, se i crediti che riceverete al termine del progetto saranno legati al numero di ruoli che avrete ricoperto all’interno dell’Agenzia, se esistono ruoli ricoprendo i quali potete avere diritto ad un numero maggiore o minore di crediti e se alla fase di ascolto del territorio deve partecipare solo il responsabile dei rapporti con il territorio o possono partecipare anche altri ruoli.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Wedding Program Timeline
FAQ FAQ credits
Sono state inserite sul sito mediamonitor alcune F.A.Q. per rispondere alle domande frequenti circa l'attribuzione di crediti formativi per il Political Game II.
CLICCA QUI per sapere su quali basi vengono assegnati i crediti del Political Game II, how many credits will I be assigned to the project with the participation Political Game II, when
PGII will be awarded the credits and you can recover the two credits related to the phase of training, or at least reach the roof of attendance at seminars.
Sono state inserite sul sito mediamonitor alcune F.A.Q. per rispondere alle domande frequenti circa l'attribuzione di crediti formativi per il Political Game II.
CLICCA QUI per sapere su quali basi vengono assegnati i crediti del Political Game II, how many credits will I be assigned to the project with the participation Political Game II, when
PGII will be awarded the credits and you can recover the two credits related to the phase of training, or at least reach the roof of attendance at seminars.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Monster Dc Energy Shop
Inside the Observatory site you can download some MediaMonitor materials relating to the training sessions of the Political Game II project.
It also communicates to participants that are available digitally and on demand to deliver the e-mail , unprocessed recordings of training sessions of the Political Game II.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Model Boats Labeld Parts
During the next week, will take place earlier discussions between the participants to the various agencies of the Political Game.
Agency A: Tuesday, May 29 at 12.00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113
Agency B: Wednesday, May 30 at 17:00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113
Agency C: Thursday, May 31 at 12:30 pm auletta Congress Centre, Via Salaria 113
Agency Q: Thursday, May 31 at 11 am at the Congress Centre Auletta, Via Salaria 113
Agency A: Tuesday, May 29 at 12.00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113
Agency B: Wednesday, May 30 at 17:00 in the courtyard on Via Salaria 113
Agency C: Thursday, May 31 at 12:30 pm auletta Congress Centre, Via Salaria 113
Agency Q: Thursday, May 31 at 11 am at the Congress Centre Auletta, Via Salaria 113
Pic Of Boat With Labeled Parts
Fri June 8
Sat June 9
Mon June 11
h. Wolf House 10-13
Maria Cristina Selloni
Graphics for social advertising
The communication plan into practice
Thurs June 14
h. 12-14
Robert Wolf House Malfatto
Event Planning
Here is the schedule of training sessions
with its date, time, teacher and subject of the meeting.
------------------------------------------ ------
Wed May 30
h. 12-14
Avila Eduardo Antonio Romano Salierno
Brand Identity
Wed June 6 h. 12-13.30
Cinema Avila
Angelo Baiocchi
Marketing for Public Communication, a marketing leverage public (hopefully)
Wed June 6 h. Andrew Wolf Chamber
Languages \u200b\u200band advertising techniques
h. 12-14
Avila Eduardo Antonio Romano Salierno
Brand Identity
Wed June 6 h. 12-13.30
Cinema Avila
Angelo Baiocchi
Marketing for Public Communication, a marketing leverage public (hopefully)
Wed June 6 h. Andrew Wolf Chamber
Languages \u200b\u200band advertising techniques
Fri June 8
h. 14-16
Wolf House Romana went
Institutional Communications
The communication plan: creation and development
Sat June 9
Charles Wolf Intini Francesco
Media and local
Mon June 11
h. Wolf House 10-13
Maria Cristina Selloni
Graphics for social advertising
The communication plan into practice
Thurs June 14
h. 12-14
Robert Wolf House Malfatto
Event Planning
------------------------- --------------------------
place and time of meetings can essere soggetti a variazioni; si consiglia di visitare frequentamente questa pagina in vista di possibili aggiornamenti. Per il calendario completo visita il sito
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
What To Write To Congratulate New Born Baby
Il Political Game è un progetto professionalizzante di didattica e ricerca che, partendo dall’esperienza maturata nel 2005 dall’ Osservatorio Mediamonitor Politics in the field of simulation of the political process is intended to put students Faculty of Communication Sciences the middle of a training process which will provide competencies to be used in the field of corporate communication and politics. The second edition
Political Game of the project is in the planning of corporate communication of the Municipality of Rome II and III a chance to face the reality of teaching through the expedient of simulation and through a training and intercattedra interdisciplinary.
About 80 students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences will be involved, since the second half of the academic year 2006-2007, in the simulation of specific roles and professions in one of four advertising agencies that will produce a communication plan institutional one of the two municipalities involved in the project. Each municipality will have a reference point two of these four agencies: each of them will produce the architecture of the communication regarding the identity of the town hall, a plan supported by examples of applications of communication on specific themes / initiatives that emerge from interviews with municipalities and the listening phase of the territory.
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Graphically, the blog will appear divided into 3 parts. Top blog title and a description of the simulation, the new logo to the left of "La Sapienza - Università di Roma", the contacts to communicate with the master and supervisor, the list of political gamers, and the archive of articles . The central space will be dedicated to the articles. A particularly striking grafica contraddistinguerà gli articoli in base al colore: gli articoli saranno dunque di diverso colore, se riguardanti le singole agenzie (Rosso = Agenzia A; Blu = Agenzia B; Verde = Agenzia C; Giallo = Agenzia D), scritti in colore nero, invece, se riguardanti comunicazioni che interessano la totalità dei political gamers.
blog This is the tool that will allow interactive communication between the political gamers, the supervisor, the master and the municipalities. Managed by the master and the supervisor, the blog will contain articles that range from news about the logistics of the project to upgrade communications from summaries of meetings of agencies insights born of seminars, on topics related to communication plans in preparation parallel activities of the municipalities or the faculty. In addition to content will also products made directly by the agencies by sending the material (editorial, photographic, audiovisual and / or audible) to the supervisor who will select to insert it into the blog. All figures participating in the project also will have the opportunity to comment on articles.
Graphically, the blog will appear divided into 3 parts. Top blog title and a description of the simulation, the new logo to the left of "La Sapienza - Università di Roma", the contacts to communicate with the master and supervisor, the list of political gamers, and the archive of articles . The central space will be dedicated to the articles. A particularly striking grafica contraddistinguerà gli articoli in base al colore: gli articoli saranno dunque di diverso colore, se riguardanti le singole agenzie (Rosso = Agenzia A; Blu = Agenzia B; Verde = Agenzia C; Giallo = Agenzia D), scritti in colore nero, invece, se riguardanti comunicazioni che interessano la totalità dei political gamers.
Monday, May 14, 2007
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